Thursday, November 14, 2013

Over the past month I received essay entries for the Back-to-School 2013 Essay Contest from students ranging from Kindergarten through High School. Thank you to each and every one of the participants—I truly enjoyed reading all your essays.
The winners from each category (elementary, middle and high school) received a $15 gift certificate to Powell's bookstore. The teacher from the elementary school category also won a $25 gift certificate to Office Depot for school supplies.

The winning essays were published in my November/December issue of The Neighborhood Connection newsletter. Below are the winning essays and the honorable mention essays. Thank you and happy reading!
TOPIC: “What is the best way to study?”
What is the best way to study?  Do you study individually or in a group? Explain why this is the best way to earn good grades in class.

**Elementary School Winner**

Emma G.      Grade 4
There is no right way to study because everyone has their own way to study. I personally think it is easier to study in a quiet room then a loud room. If you study in a loud room, it is hard to concentrate because of all the distractions. For example, if I try to study in my family’s living room, my sisters are always talking to me or they are watching TV. Also, my cat George will be doing something funny that I will have to watch or my mom will be talking to my sisters, so it is impossible to focus. On the other hand, my sister Madeline can study for a math test if she was at a concert or even in the middle of a circus. I’ve always been jealous of her ability to study anywhere, but it shows there is more than one way to study and get good grades.

I think the best way to study depends on what the subject is. When I’m studying my math, I need to be alone because it is best to read through the problems first and memorize the vocabulary then I can go back and work on the problems. Math is difficult and takes a lot of concentration. This is also the best way to study for spelling and vocabulary tests. My favorite thing to do with vocabulary words is to write them down several times and then study my notes. When I think I have them all figured out, I have my Dad read them to me and I write them down again. I also think studying alone is important when doing my reading comprehension. When we do reading comprehension in class, we always do it alone and quietly so we can focus on what we are doing. My teacher must think that’s the best way too. I don’t think studying alone is always the best option. For example, when I do brain storming it is easier to come up with more ideas if there are more people. When I come up with ideas I get a piece of paper and pencil and write down the most important parts and study them. Another thing, I like doing with friends is studying science. This is the best way because we all get to do a science experiment and write down notes about the results. Doing work together helps us all learn more because we get to share.

To conclude, there is no right or wrong way to study because everyone has their own way to get good grades. For me, it depends on what subject I am studying and where I am when I need to get my homework done. I don’t think it matters how you study, it just matters that you know what works for you.

**Middle School Winner**
Jay C.    Grade 6

I have observed that everybody has different learning style, also I noticed that each style has something useful which can be adopted by everyone.
Here I am going to give you some suggestions on how to study effectively and efficiently. Since I am getting some benefit out of it I want to share some of the ways with you.
I generally study individually.
First of all I want to make sure that studying is not only doing homework but it is a practice of what you studied. This helps you keep up with the school at present and also remember what is already done. Practice helps revising what we have learnt.
Manage your time schedule and your time table in such a way that all the subjects are being covered regularly.
Take notes in class, this is an easy way to remember more while it reduces your efforts doing homework taking a quiz etc. While taking notes you can use some shortcuts for technical word, or draw pictures etc. that you can understand.
Try to explain the concepts by experimenting them at home and understand the logic behind it.
Put charts on the walls in readable font so that whenever you walk by them you read them. This will help you remember easily for example you can make charts for math formulas.
Work hard practice regularly for 1-2 hours each day. In case you have any questions discuss with friends, teachers if you want some help, clarifications
Get up early and utilize morning hours while mind is fresh and all set to learn and grasp. It helps in better understanding, remembering.
Finally play with friends to recharge yourself.
I am sure that these tips will help you to make learning improve your grades
--Honorary Mention--
High School
Mark Wakeland.    Grade 10
I think the best way to study is to study by myself with music. But some people can't pay attention at all when there is music. If you are going to study with friends then I think it is important to actually be productive. A lot of children would get sidetracked and talk about other things and not study at all. The best way to get good grades in class is to study a lot and to learn things. You can't memorize the answers to a math test like you can with a English test so you must learn how to negotiate a problem or an equation. I think you should write things down when trying to memorize a speech, words or the definition of a vocabulary word. People learn things differently like some people can memorize things by writing them down and some can do it by using repetition. I can relate some words with pictures. Like in geography, class I could see the countries and it would help me remember the names. So I think the best way to study is to be in a good studying environment and to have people that are interested in studying and not getting sidetracked if you're going to be in a group. Aside from that I think all people are different and learn and study differently, so find a way that works and use it.