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I hope you all had a very happy Thanksgiving weekend. Best of wishes to you! |
Read the commentary of Elizabeth Ramos, an experienced broker at Keller Williams Realty. Elizabeth's rewarding career in Real Estate began in 1993, and her commitment to providing quality customer service has lead to her success. In this blog you'll not only learn about what's going on in the market, but you'll also get an inside look at the person behind the business. Elizabeth writes about her interests and life goals, including competing in a dance competition, opening an orphanage, and more.
Monday, November 28, 2011
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Over the past month I received essay entries for the Back-to-School 2011 Essay Contest from students ranging from Kindergarten through High School. Thank you to each and every one of the participants—I truly enjoyed reading all your essays.
The winners from each category (elementary, middle and high school) received a $15 gift certificate to Powell's bookstore. The teacher from the elementary school category also won a $25 gift certificate to Office Depot for school supplies.
The winning essays were published in my November/December issue of The Neighborhood Connection newsletter. Below are the winning essays and the honorable mention essays. Thank you and happy reading!
“If I Could Change a School Rule” - If you could change one rule at your school, which rule would it be and what would you change it to? Why did you choose that rule? Why is your rule better than the old rule?
**Elementary School Category Winner**
Navy, Age 6
The rule right now is we all have 20 minutes to eat lunch. I would like to change it to at least 30 minutes. Then I could eat more slowly and enjoy the food. I would also have time to chat with my friends. It is healthier to eat slowly. I would have more time to finish my sandwich, fruit, drink and dessert. I would not have to rush to pack up my lunch box before recess.
Elementary School Honorable Mention:
Rachel, Age 6
I would make a new school rule. Everyone would walk on their hands and eat lunch with their toes and write with their feet. People would have to clap with their feet and run on their hands. This is better than the old rule of walking on your feet and eating with your hands because it is fun to walk on your hands.
Elementary School Honorable Mention:
Luis, Grade 4
Bang!! Went the desk, as my head hit the table. "Are you sleeping in class Luis?" "Ahhh, no?". If we had nap time in school this wouldn't have happened. One rule I think should be changed at school is, allowing us to have nap time. Because not only pre-schools kids need that extra sleep. Read on and you we'll realize 4th graders need nap-tim e.
If we had nap time, we would be more concentrated. People are usually sleepy in class and don't listen to the important things. Having nap time we would rest and we would do better on our work. We would be smarter because we would remember more things.
Also if we had nap time, we would have more energy in P.E. or outside. Our brains would be more active and more concentrated. More people would raise their hand in class and participate. We would have more fun because most of the time people are not having fun because they are sleepy and just want to get the day over with.
So think about it do you think we should have nap time? If you are a teacher your students would think your pretty cool. And if we had nap time some students might even have dreams about school. Are you thinking? You should!! So the next time you see a student sleeping in class, think: Should I have had nap time in my class? Would it make my students smarter? Should I?
Elementary School Honorable Mention:
Emily, Age 10
If I could change a school rule, it would be to allowing tag to be played on the play structure. We are only allowed to play tag on the bark chips or field, and the bark chips hurt when you fall. In addition, the field is packed with the boys playing football and girls playing soccer. The grass leaves stains on your clothes. Playing on the play structure is fun because of the two slides and the monkey bars. The duty teachers are constantly telling us to stop running on the play structure because we could get hurt, we must play on the bark chips or field. Therefore, we resort in talking or doing the monkey bars. When they do not allow us to play those games, we are not exercising, letting our jitters out, or learning responsibility. The way the school can improve this is by letting responsible, safe, fifth grade students, play tag on the play structure. Fifth grade is more responsible and can probably handle falling better than the younger students could. Another way of improving this is making a rule on the field. The rule should be only one sport/game should be allowed to be playing on the field. Not only will the rule help with tag games, but it will also help students try new sports and expand out of their comfort zone. More importantly, we will not exclude anyone because the more people the more fun.
The winning essays were published in my November/December issue of The Neighborhood Connection newsletter. Below are the winning essays and the honorable mention essays. Thank you and happy reading!
“If I Could Change a School Rule” - If you could change one rule at your school, which rule would it be and what would you change it to? Why did you choose that rule? Why is your rule better than the old rule?
**Elementary School Category Winner**
Navy, Age 6
The rule right now is we all have 20 minutes to eat lunch. I would like to change it to at least 30 minutes. Then I could eat more slowly and enjoy the food. I would also have time to chat with my friends. It is healthier to eat slowly. I would have more time to finish my sandwich, fruit, drink and dessert. I would not have to rush to pack up my lunch box before recess.
Elementary School Honorable Mention:
Rachel, Age 6
I would make a new school rule. Everyone would walk on their hands and eat lunch with their toes and write with their feet. People would have to clap with their feet and run on their hands. This is better than the old rule of walking on your feet and eating with your hands because it is fun to walk on your hands.
Elementary School Honorable Mention:
Luis, Grade 4
Bang!! Went the desk, as my head hit the table. "Are you sleeping in class Luis?" "Ahhh, no?". If we had nap time in school this wouldn't have happened. One rule I think should be changed at school is, allowing us to have nap time. Because not only pre-schools kids need that extra sleep. Read on and you we'll realize 4th graders need nap-tim e.
If we had nap time, we would be more concentrated. People are usually sleepy in class and don't listen to the important things. Having nap time we would rest and we would do better on our work. We would be smarter because we would remember more things.
Also if we had nap time, we would have more energy in P.E. or outside. Our brains would be more active and more concentrated. More people would raise their hand in class and participate. We would have more fun because most of the time people are not having fun because they are sleepy and just want to get the day over with.
So think about it do you think we should have nap time? If you are a teacher your students would think your pretty cool. And if we had nap time some students might even have dreams about school. Are you thinking? You should!! So the next time you see a student sleeping in class, think: Should I have had nap time in my class? Would it make my students smarter? Should I?
Elementary School Honorable Mention:
Emily, Age 10
If I could change a school rule, it would be to allowing tag to be played on the play structure. We are only allowed to play tag on the bark chips or field, and the bark chips hurt when you fall. In addition, the field is packed with the boys playing football and girls playing soccer. The grass leaves stains on your clothes. Playing on the play structure is fun because of the two slides and the monkey bars. The duty teachers are constantly telling us to stop running on the play structure because we could get hurt, we must play on the bark chips or field. Therefore, we resort in talking or doing the monkey bars. When they do not allow us to play those games, we are not exercising, letting our jitters out, or learning responsibility. The way the school can improve this is by letting responsible, safe, fifth grade students, play tag on the play structure. Fifth grade is more responsible and can probably handle falling better than the younger students could. Another way of improving this is making a rule on the field. The rule should be only one sport/game should be allowed to be playing on the field. Not only will the rule help with tag games, but it will also help students try new sports and expand out of their comfort zone. More importantly, we will not exclude anyone because the more people the more fun.
Another idea I had in mind was letting each grade make a group playground rules along with the already established one. That way we can all agree on the rules, and get a say them. It is unfair how fifth and fourth grade must go with the little kids’ rules. When I think deeply about, I notice we are following the same rules kindergarteners are using. When fifth grade makes their rules, they should be able to have a little more freedom or choices. It would prepare them for middle school. The most important things we need for middle school is independence and confidence. How will we be ready for middle school if we are using the same rules of kindergarten?
What is the rule I will replace it with? Of course, what I have mentioned before, only one sport played on the field at one time. It will be a good rule because it allows students to try new things, learn a new sport, get interested, become friends with other people, altogether socializing. What would be a rule about the rule is you can only play the sport twice in a row before picking a new one. A way to determine it could be taking a poll, or spinning a wheel with the most popular sports. All of this should be handled by our principal. Just to think about all this could happen if the school let us play tag on the play structure.
**Middle School Category Winner**
Rachel, Age 12
If I could change a school rule, I would change the one that says teachers aren’t allowed to talk about their religion. My mom and dad are teachers, so they can’t talk about God and being Christians. Sure, they can say what their religion is if asked, but they can’t say any more about it. Also, I go to the school where they teach, and the school threw this talent show. I wanted to sing a Christian song and asked my dad to play for me and sing harmony. The teacher in charge was nervous about having my dad sing a religious song – something about proselytizing (I guess that’s when you’re trying to convert someone to your religion) – so she asked the principal about it. The principal said we could do it as long as my dad didn’t sing. He could still play for me, but because he’s a teacher he wouldn’t be allowed to sing. So, he played the piano while I sang solo.
I chose this rule, because I think it’s important for people to know what I believe. I also think it’s important for people to be able to talk about what they believe in. I don’t think it’s fair that people can talk against Christianity, but those teachers who are Christians have to keep their mouths shut. There could be a class where the teacher brings in a movie and it talks about how wrong Creation is or how stupid Christians are for believing in a Creator or an Intelligent Design theory, but the Big Bang Theory is much more likely to have happened. That, unfortunately, is allowed. But a teacher isn’t allowed to bring in a movie that talks about what Christianity really is. They can’t talk about it at all. The only consolation I get, is that I can talk about my religion. I can talk about Christianity, because I’m a student. I think my rule is better than the old rule, because then teachers can talk about what it’s like to be a Christian. Of course, they’ll still have to teach math or science or social studies. They can sing with their daughter at a talent show. They just won’t have to be silent.
**High School Category Winner**
Amarachi, Age 15
Is Study Hall Really Necessary for Everybody?
**Middle School Category Winner**
Rachel, Age 12
If I could change a school rule, I would change the one that says teachers aren’t allowed to talk about their religion. My mom and dad are teachers, so they can’t talk about God and being Christians. Sure, they can say what their religion is if asked, but they can’t say any more about it. Also, I go to the school where they teach, and the school threw this talent show. I wanted to sing a Christian song and asked my dad to play for me and sing harmony. The teacher in charge was nervous about having my dad sing a religious song – something about proselytizing (I guess that’s when you’re trying to convert someone to your religion) – so she asked the principal about it. The principal said we could do it as long as my dad didn’t sing. He could still play for me, but because he’s a teacher he wouldn’t be allowed to sing. So, he played the piano while I sang solo.
I chose this rule, because I think it’s important for people to know what I believe. I also think it’s important for people to be able to talk about what they believe in. I don’t think it’s fair that people can talk against Christianity, but those teachers who are Christians have to keep their mouths shut. There could be a class where the teacher brings in a movie and it talks about how wrong Creation is or how stupid Christians are for believing in a Creator or an Intelligent Design theory, but the Big Bang Theory is much more likely to have happened. That, unfortunately, is allowed. But a teacher isn’t allowed to bring in a movie that talks about what Christianity really is. They can’t talk about it at all. The only consolation I get, is that I can talk about my religion. I can talk about Christianity, because I’m a student. I think my rule is better than the old rule, because then teachers can talk about what it’s like to be a Christian. Of course, they’ll still have to teach math or science or social studies. They can sing with their daughter at a talent show. They just won’t have to be silent.
**High School Category Winner**
Amarachi, Age 15
Is Study Hall Really Necessary for Everybody?
Several high school and middle school students across America sit at their desks staring up at the ceiling, their minds left to wander, while others are chatting aimlessly among themselves about the latest songs or about the up incoming party happening this weekend, all in a particular class. A teacher meanwhile just stares, permitting the idleness of the students. What is being described is a class taken nationwide; called study hall. If I had the power to alter one rule it would be to make study hall not mandatory for freshman and sophomore, but rather an optional class and to only be made required when a student is failing multiple classes.
One reason why I would make study hall an optional class for lowerclassmen is because study hall doesn’t provide an adequate environment to study and to get homework done productively. Having a countless number of students in one room with no designated lesson plan, who are just told to get work done won’t idealistically work the way administration would desire study hall to. At our age it is all about socializing with our peers and when given the freedom of having a period of no structure, it is inevitable that students will detract other students. The noise made by all the talking makes it nearly impossible for those who want to work to get some homework done to be productive. As a result, many students think of this class notas a study hall, but rather a “socializing-hall”.
Furthermore having to have study hall deprives lowerclassmen from taking other classes they wished to take, but couldn’t because their schedule is full. Having study hall while essential to some people who either have trouble getting work done at home or have extracurricular activities , isn’t necessary to all. People like me don’t find study hall pointless to be and wished to inside take another advanced placement class instead. Taking another class would be more beneficial knowledge and college wise, than study hall. According to an article in The Oregonian Reynolds high school principal “calls study hall holding tanks”. Schools use study halls as a way to cut back on financial cost, which can be beneficial to the budget at big schools such as Westview, where I go to. Considering this fact I still believe that students should have the choice if they want to take study hall or not. This is our future, taking another class can be influential to our future and we should be able to decide if we want to take study hall or not.
In general, I believe that study hall as a class shouldn’t be required for lowerclassmen to take. The reasons being that the majority of students don’t get much homework completed in study hall and also it deprives student the opportunity to take more class.If this rule can be changed, it would influence how other schools think of study hall.
High School Category Honorable Mention:
Vivianne, Age 16
Classes are formed from one logical and inventive common inquirer that society can't oppose against. This topic focus more on high school rules and the classes the system currently have for the students. One subject that must be taken into thought to add if they are to improve the school's system in the long run for students. Cooking is the number one asset that many high school students do not know how to do. To form a cooking class would discipline yourself to become more responsible in one's actions to dice, steam, boil, fry, bake, etc. If one have already learned to cook from their heritage, great. Now is the time to expand the potential and discover not only recipes from your own, but from other culture's and peers within.
Creating a cooking class would lengthen out the ability for the students to support independently. Also, it will enhance better understanding of international cuisine styles and the flavors often used. Parents/guardians are responsible for the child till they are eighteen years old, therefore leaving the child on their own to fend for themselves if they are to plan to go to college or move out the house. If the student stays at home, The support the child will receive from their parents with the exception of helping with college funds, and to stay in touch with them would be approximately thirty percent. The seventy percent is the child on their own.
In response to this thought, staff members find it very debatable to be assigning a cooking class because students have the will to choose how to cook at home from a relative/friend. Assuming more than half of the students are not motivated enough to learn from their parents, it would be more convenient to learn it at school since the school is already teaching something to the students five days a week. If that is were being taken into thought hypothetically, that would contradict the whole school system. All high school systems' purpose is to prepare students for college and discover the attributes each students have within. Cooking is easily applied to the education system's cause and is essential to the survival and conservation of the student's finances.
The idea is not supposed to be a new rule to replace the old rule, but to meliorate the rules the system have already installed for us. If the cooking class would station as a class subject, then that would motivate students, especially ladies to learn how to cook, and for all students to actually learned something, addition to be more self-ruling. This would also give the parents the advantage to make the students practice cooking at home too.
Friday, October 28, 2011
Is your home at risk of becoming HAUNTED?
Over the last few months I have visited and talked to several past clients and referrals about the hardships that they are facing and the possibility of them losing their home. When the economy drops it brings other issues into peoples lives: illness, loss of jobs, separation, etc. I wish my visits were under better circumstances. I can't help much except to offer my time and support for what you are going through. And when it comes to options about your home, I can certainly offer my professional opinion.
I decided to write this after finding out from a past client that the bank foreclosed on their home. They were too embarrassed to call me to seek advice when they missed their first mortgage payment. They didn't know what options were available to them and decided to just give the house back to the bank. The sad thing is, they actually had equity in that home--About $60,000 in equity. Money that they certainly would have not all lost if they knew what steps to take to protect it.
When faced with the possibility of losing your home, please call me. There are several options to consider. Don't wait until after you have missed a payment. Call me when you think you may miss a payment. This will give you some time to consider the options and make a decision. We may not be able to save your home but we can certainly find ways to help reduce the waiting period for you to get another home in the future.
I'm here to help! (503) 310-4612
Originally posted on Friday, June 17th at www.dhomeagent.blogspot.com
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Join me if you DARE for a Halloween SCARE! It will be SPOOK-tacular!!!
Come join me at the Keller Williams Realty Sunset Corridor Halloween Party on Thursday, October 27th. Please be sure to RSVP by Tuesday, October 25th by emailing me at dhomeagent@gmail.com, or call me at 503-310-4612. See you there!
Monday, October 3, 2011
Can you help me spread the word about Olivia's Mission?

Olivia Salazar is the daughter of my clients, Alex and Mary Salazar. Olivia has volunteered to work as a teacher for one year at a Christian school for deaf children in Baja California, Mexico. Please read about her mission and pass this on to others. I know any donation amount will be much appreciated. THANK YOU!
To learn more about the school, please visit
A note from Olivia’s mother:
“[Olivia] says she is super busy getting trained learning the spanish language along with the Mexican sign language that has to be used with the deaf Mexican children, and learning lesson plans. [...] She's told us that if it wasn't for this wonderful Christian school called Rancho Sordo Mudo, a lot of the deaf Mexican children would not get educated or learn about God. [...]
This is an awesome thing Olivia is doing because she is not getting paid. We are in awe and are very proud of her. She says she is doing this for God and for the deaf children of Mexico. She has to pay for her own apartment at the school and for personal and incidental expenses.
Olivia also mentioned that she is the only deaf volunteer and staff that is working there. Everyone else, except the kids, are hearing.
The school is owned and operated by Americans. They operate soley on volunteers and donations. Olivia's church, friends and family have donated money to her for her expenses. However, she is still short. [...] The donations to Olivia are tax deductible. [...] Olivia will be paying $250 per month for her apartment for the next twelve months, plus expenses for food, personal items and incidental expenses.”
To donate to Olivia’s Mission, please write a check to
Olivia E. Salazar and mail it to:
Keller Williams Realty (ATTN: Elizabeth Ramos)
1915 NW Amberglen Pkwy, Suite 250, Beaverton OR 97006
Keller Williams Realty (ATTN: Elizabeth Ramos)
1915 NW Amberglen Pkwy, Suite 250, Beaverton OR 97006
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Win a $15 gift certificate to Powell's bookstore!
Enter the Back-to-School 2011 Essay Contest and if your essay is selected as the winner you will receive a $15 gift certificate to Powell’s bookstore!
Submit a 1-page essay (500 words max) on the following topic:
“If I Could Change a School Rule” - If you could change one rule at your school, which rule would it be and what would you change it to? Why did you choose that rule? Why is your rule better than the old rule?
Submissions may be typed or hand-written legibly. You may choose to use the essay contest form for your convenience, but it is not required. Download the essay contest form here.
This contest is open to all students Kinder-Grade 12. One winner will be selected from each of the following categories: Elementary School (K-Grade 5), Middle School (Grades 6-8), and High School (Grades 9-12).
Include your name, address, phone, e-mail address, age, grade level, your teacher’s name (if applicable) and school that you attend. Entries must be received no later than Tuesday, October 25th, 2011 at 5:00 pm.
Mail entry to:
Essay Contest
Attn: Elizabeth Ramos
Keller Williams Realty Sunset Corridor
1915 NW Amberglen Pkwy, Suite 250
Beaverton OR 97006
E-mail entry to:
In the subject line: 2011 Essay Contest
The winning essays will be published in the next issue of The Neighborhood Connection newsletter, on this blog, and online at www.dhomeagent.com.
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
To sign up to get these free newsletters, email me at dhomeagent@gmail.com.
Please indicate if you would like to receive the newsletters via email OR paper form.
The Neighborhood Connection newsletter is a great source to get Real Estate related news. |
It also has a calendar of upcoming events in the Portland Metro area. |
And it has a Real Estate corner with a snap shot of the market and featured properties. |
To sign up to get these free newsletters, email me at dhomeagent@gmail.com.
Please indicate if you would like to receive the newsletters via email OR paper form.
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Good food, cold drinks, salsa music and dancing....what more could you ask for?!?! Event is Saturday, August 20th at 7 pm. For more info and to RSVP go to http://new.evite.com/services/links/LX5RTIZ7CP. See you there!
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Find out what animal YOU are at www.whatanimalami.com, and just for fun, let me know what animal you are by posting a comment below!
Friday, July 22, 2011
First Goal Accomplished!
Last Saturday I competed and placed FIRST in bronze level multi dance for chacha and rumba at the River City Ball Amateur Ballroom Dance Competition in Portland. My long time friend Gary and I competed against approximately 10 other couples. Now I can happily say that my first goal to compete in a dance competition in 2011 has been accomplished. Moving on to the next goal. Stay tuned!
Friday, July 1, 2011
Put on your dancing shoes & follow my lead!
Dancing is my passion. I have loved dancing since I was very young. I remember my aunt teaching me the hula dance when I was about 6 or 7 yrs old. A year or two later, I took a summer hula class and performed on stage. Wow! I loved it.
In high school there was a group of girls that took dance and I would watch their rehearsals, remember the steps then go home and try to do the dance. Because my parents could not afford to send me to dance classes, I just spent time watching and immitating.
When I got to college, I auditioned for the University Dance Troup and was accepted. That was the beginning of my "dance fever". I tried to learn as much as I could and loved performing on stage.
Dancing took the back burner as I started a family. It was not until about 5 years ago when I got back into dance. My daughter Eliza introduced me to a Salsa Rueda dance studio in Portland. Dancing soon became a big part of my life again. Not only is it a great way to stay active and fit, but it also reduces stress and keeps me happy. For the past couple of years I have been teaching at this Salsa studio on Friday nights. I always have free passes, so feel free to call or e-mail me and I can mail some to you so you can try it for free on your first visit.
This year I will be hosting my 2nd Annual Fiesta and towards the end of the night I'll be teaching SALSA! With good food, music, and dancing, this is a fun-filled opportunity for me to stay in touch with my past clients and friends.
I always enjoy the opportunity to show my appreciation to those who have supported me over the past several years. The Real Estate business has been hit hard the past few years and without the encouragement and moral support from friends, family, and past clients, the hardships would have felt much heavier. This annual event is my way of saying "Thank You" for all your continued support. And who knows? Maybe you, too, will develop a shared passion for dancing.
This year I will be hosting my 2nd Annual Fiesta and towards the end of the night I'll be teaching SALSA! With good food, music, and dancing, this is a fun-filled opportunity for me to stay in touch with my past clients and friends.
I always enjoy the opportunity to show my appreciation to those who have supported me over the past several years. The Real Estate business has been hit hard the past few years and without the encouragement and moral support from friends, family, and past clients, the hardships would have felt much heavier. This annual event is my way of saying "Thank You" for all your continued support. And who knows? Maybe you, too, will develop a shared passion for dancing.
Friday, June 17, 2011
At Risk of Missing a Mortgage Payment?
Over the last few months I have visited and talked to several past clients and referrals about the hardships that they are facing and the possibility of them losing their home. When the economy drops it brings other issues into peoples lives: illness, loss of jobs, separation, etc. I wish my visits were under better circumstances. I can't help much except to offer my time and support for what you are going through. And when it comes to options about your home, I can certainly offer my professional opinion.
I decided to write this after finding out from a past client that the bank foreclosed on their home. They were too embarrassed to call me to seek advice when they missed their first mortgage payment. They didn't know what options were available to them and decided to just give the house back to the bank. The sad thing is, they actually had equity in that home--About $60,000 in equity. Money that they certainly would have not all lost if they knew what steps to take to protect it.
When faced with the possibility of losing your home, please call me. There are several options to consider. Don't wait until after you have missed a payment. Call me when you think you may miss a payment. This will give you some time to consider the options and make a decision. We may not be able to save your home but we can certainly find ways to help reduce the waiting period for you to get another home in the future.
I'm here to help! (503) 310-4612
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Renew, Energize and Donate!
Keller Williams Realty's RED Day (Renew, Energize and Donate) comes but once a year, but the support provided by our KW team shines through all year long!
This year's RED Day was another example of how committed we are to helping our community and each other. We currently have 55 agents in our Sunset Corridor office and 65 people showed up to help!
Click HERE to watch this year's Red Day video.
This year's RED Day was another example of how committed we are to helping our community and each other. We currently have 55 agents in our Sunset Corridor office and 65 people showed up to help!
Click HERE to watch this year's Red Day video.
Thursday, April 28, 2011
What a GREAT DAY for an Easter Egg Hunt!
Thank you SUNSHINE! Last Saturday I hosted my 12th Annual Easter Egg Hunts. Over 24 families came to my 11am egg hunt at Reedville Creek Park in Hillsboro, and over 14 families came to my 2 pm egg hunt at Cooper Mountain Elementary School in Beaverton.
The beautifully sunny day made this year's egg hunts a lot less muddy, a little more crowded, and a lot more fun! Even the Easter Bunny came to celebrate and take photos with the children. (Thank you to the loving and gentle Easter Bunny for helping out and giving lots of hugs that day).
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Reedville Creek Park |
I had a blast, as usual, talking to the parents and entertaining the kids with relay races and raffling off prizes and Easter Baskets. This year, the baskets were donated by Travis Neliton of Mortgage Express, Mary Labs of Academy Mortgage, Jim Merritt of Big Jim’s Home Repair and Brad Martin of Martin Glass.
I also took the opportunity to get the word out about the upcoming volunteer opportunity: RED DAY (on Thursday, May 12th). Click here to learn more
I started the Annual Egg Hunt 12 years ago to provide an enjoyable and safe place for children. We have grown from filling 300 plastic eggs to filling 1,500 (not to mention re-filling some between egg hunts). It gives me so much pleasure to meet past clients and their families and to mingle and play with the kids. Those who know me will attest to the fact that I LOVE children. The egg hunt gives me an opportunity to be around them….LOTS of them.
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Cooper Mountain Elementary School |
For those who have attended in the past, thank you. For those who have not, I hope that you would consider coming. I will continue this event no matter what the weather. So bring your friends and neighbors and enjoy an hour with me!
Thursday, April 7, 2011
I'm a FIVE STAR Real Estate Agent for 2011 - THANK YOU!
I’m proud to tell you that because of your feedback I’ve been named as a FIVE STAR Real Estate Agent for Overall Satisfaction! Recent homebuyers were asked to evaluate Real Estate Agents whom they have recently worked with and rate them based upon nine criteria:
- Customer Service
- Integrity
- Market Knowledge
- Communication
- Negotiation
- Closing Preparation
- Finds the right home
- Marketing of the home
Thursday, March 31, 2011
My little KW mascot
Monday, March 21, 2011
I remember as a very young child watching an old movie about a woman who went through events in her life. In every chapter of the film a song from the woman’s record player would bring her back to those events, both good and bad.
Thinking back to this movie is a strange thing for me. To this day, I also find myself brought back to my past when I hear certain songs. The emotions, the smells, and the surroundings come alive all over again as if I traveled through a time machine—at least for the short 3–5 minutes while the song is playing. For instance, I listened to a lot of Vivaldi and Mozart as I rocked my babies—the music brings back warmth to my soul.
I have told my family if I ever get amnesia, or lose my memory like my paternal grandmother did to Dementia, they should play those songs for me because I know that I will find a way to "come back" to them.
Songs are wonderful. They speak for us when we can't seem to find the words to express our feelings. Songs encourage us, give us hope, and so much more. Below are a few of my time-traveling songs:
Somewhere My Love (at 6-7 yrs old, my maternal grandmother would always stand behind me and hum the tune as I played the piano for her)
Four Seasons by Vivaldi (quiet afternoon rocking my baby)
What a Wonderful World by Louie Armstrong
Will You Still Love Me by Chicago
Wind Beneath my Wings by Bette Midler (played this song a lot when we moved from San Diego to Oregon
Let It Be by the Beatles
Ain't No Mountain High Enough by Marvin Gaye and Tammi Terrell
No Matter What, I'm Gonna Love You by Kerrie Roberts
Stranger on the Shore by Kenny G
And my newest addition, A song (prayer) of hope and trust:
Jesus, Take the Wheel by Carrie Underwood
What are the songs that take you back to a certain time, memory, or feeling?
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Kickin' Up My Heels at Red Bash!
I recently returned from the Keller Williams Realty Family Reunion—and I had a blast! At this year’s convention I was one of two Realtors selected to represent the Northwest Region as the 2011 Keller Williams Cultural Ambassador.
As Cultural Ambassador, I was asked to write about what the Culture is like in the company and how that has impacted my life. Read “My story for the 2011 KW Cultural Summit”.
It was a humbling experience to be amongst 57 other cultural ambassadors from the United States and Canada. I was amazed to hear their stories, how it has changed them and what they are doing to spread the culture.
For 4 ½ days I attended classes to further my knowledge and skills in Real Estate—something I take very seriously so that I can continue to provide my clients with the best knowledge and service above and beyond what you expect from me.
One of the events at Family Reunion is an evening that showcases some of the talents in the company. This event is called Red Bash. This year I was privileged to represent Keller Williams Realty Sunset Corridor. I danced a salsa routine with my niece’s husband, Dr. Leland Ferguson. Watch us dance!
And don't forget to mark your calendars for several events coming up:
Saturday, April 23 — Annual Easter Egg Hunt (Reedville Park at 11 am and Cooper Mtn Elementary at 2 pm)
Saturday, April 30 — On-Site Shred-It Truck (Keller Williams Realty Sunset Corridor, 1915 NW Amberglen Pkwy, Beaverton 97006)
Saturday, May 7 — Annual ¡Fiesta! (Adults and teens only, please. RSVP by May 2nd).
One of the events at Family Reunion is an evening that showcases some of the talents in the company. This event is called Red Bash. This year I was privileged to represent Keller Williams Realty Sunset Corridor. I danced a salsa routine with my niece’s husband, Dr. Leland Ferguson. Watch us dance!
And don't forget to mark your calendars for several events coming up:
Saturday, April 23 — Annual Easter Egg Hunt (Reedville Park at 11 am and Cooper Mtn Elementary at 2 pm)
Saturday, April 30 — On-Site Shred-It Truck (Keller Williams Realty Sunset Corridor, 1915 NW Amberglen Pkwy, Beaverton 97006)
Saturday, May 7 — Annual ¡Fiesta! (Adults and teens only, please. RSVP by May 2nd).
Monday, February 7, 2011
Defining "Dhomeagent"
Dhomeagent (Dee-Home-Agent)
- origin
The home agent; "d" is slang for "the", producing a roll-off-the-tongue nickname and trademark "d-home-agent"
- proper noun
1. Elizabeth Ramos
- noun
1. The one and only home agent for all your Real Estate needs
2. The best in quality customer service since 1993
3. Your neighborhood specialist
3. Multi-million dollar producer
4. 2011 Keller Williams Cultural Ambassador
5. Your Realtor and life-long friend
"Send your referrals to dhomeagent!"
An expression meaning:
1. refer someone you know to dhomeagent;
call Elizabeth with their contact info
2. have unwavering confidence that Elizabeth
will take care of whomever you refer
When I first began Real Estate in 1993 I was putting all my energy into marketing my listings. Being a new agent wasn't easy and I soon realized that in order to keep getting listings, I needed to market myself as well.
My husband and I began brainstorming... Dan came up with the cleverly simple and straightforward name "Dhomeagent" as in "THE one and only ("dee") - home -agent." Since 1994 I have used this for my e-mail address. Shortly thereafter, for my Web site, and this year for my blog.
Most of my current business comes from referrals, but I continue to market myself as "DHOMEAGENT". It has become my trademark and a part of my identity as a Realtor, plus it is a familiar name to all my past clients, family, and friends.
- origin
The home agent; "d" is slang for "the", producing a roll-off-the-tongue nickname and trademark "d-home-agent"
- proper noun
1. Elizabeth Ramos
- noun
1. The one and only home agent for all your Real Estate needs
2. The best in quality customer service since 1993
3. Your neighborhood specialist
3. Multi-million dollar producer
4. 2011 Keller Williams Cultural Ambassador
5. Your Realtor and life-long friend
"Send your referrals to dhomeagent!"
An expression meaning:
1. refer someone you know to dhomeagent;
call Elizabeth with their contact info
2. have unwavering confidence that Elizabeth
will take care of whomever you refer
When I first began Real Estate in 1993 I was putting all my energy into marketing my listings. Being a new agent wasn't easy and I soon realized that in order to keep getting listings, I needed to market myself as well.
My husband and I began brainstorming... Dan came up with the cleverly simple and straightforward name "Dhomeagent" as in "THE one and only ("dee") - home -agent." Since 1994 I have used this for my e-mail address. Shortly thereafter, for my Web site, and this year for my blog.
Most of my current business comes from referrals, but I continue to market myself as "DHOMEAGENT". It has become my trademark and a part of my identity as a Realtor, plus it is a familiar name to all my past clients, family, and friends.
Monday, January 24, 2011
Goals and Mindset
My mother is a very smart and determined lady. Growing up, my siblings
and I always knew one thing about our mother—when she set herself to
accomplish something, she will accomplish it! There was never any
question. She would make her plans known and stay focused until it was
completed. Nothing was impossible to her. She just acted as if she had
already achieved the goal, and this made the impossible possible.
I am so privileged to have witnessed this and it has done wonders for
my life. Instead of having New Year's resolutions, I have goals. I set
my goals, make them known, and then go through the process of staying
focused until I've accomplished them. Looking back, I remember some of
the bigger goals that I've set.
1997 - I wanted to buy a baby grand for my daughter as a Christmas
gift. Eliza was only 9 years old, playing wonderful music, and her
piano teacher said she would soar even more if she had a good piano at
home where she could practice. I worked really hard to earn enough to
buy the piano and with my husband's help, we had the baby grand
delivered one ordinary day in August. I still remember Eliza’s face
when she saw what was being delivered, then she sat at the piano and
played for almost two hours.
2000 - I had not seen my paternal grandmother for decades and when I
heard that she was beginning to lose her memory, I set the goal to
have enough money to have my husband and kids meet her. She lived in
Australia—that would take a lot of funds. I wore a kangaroo pin
everyday to remind me of my goal. By that summer I had enough to buy
the plane tickets and had a wonderful month with her. She passed away
two years later.
2006 - With my four children all grown, it was a perfect time for them
to see the Philippines—the country where my husband and I grew up. All
the kids had their busy school and sports activities, so I knew this
was going to be a huge challenge to get them all together for a summer
vacation. I told them early in the year that the goal was to go to the
Philippines that summer. They didn't think it would be possible, yet
they also understood that with the goal set in place, there was a
great possibility they would be packing their bags for the tropics. We
spent the whole month of August traveling throughout my homeland—the
experience was priceless.
I could go on and on about goals and why you should set them. But
basically, it works! Take the time to put one together.
what needs to be done. Like the line in the song "Believe" from the
Polar Express says... "Believe in what you feel inside and give your
dreams the wings to fly. You have everything you need if you just
and I always knew one thing about our mother—when she set herself to
accomplish something, she will accomplish it! There was never any
question. She would make her plans known and stay focused until it was
completed. Nothing was impossible to her. She just acted as if she had
already achieved the goal, and this made the impossible possible.
I am so privileged to have witnessed this and it has done wonders for
my life. Instead of having New Year's resolutions, I have goals. I set
my goals, make them known, and then go through the process of staying
focused until I've accomplished them. Looking back, I remember some of
the bigger goals that I've set.
1997 - I wanted to buy a baby grand for my daughter as a Christmas
gift. Eliza was only 9 years old, playing wonderful music, and her
piano teacher said she would soar even more if she had a good piano at
home where she could practice. I worked really hard to earn enough to
buy the piano and with my husband's help, we had the baby grand
delivered one ordinary day in August. I still remember Eliza’s face
when she saw what was being delivered, then she sat at the piano and
played for almost two hours.
2000 - I had not seen my paternal grandmother for decades and when I
heard that she was beginning to lose her memory, I set the goal to
have enough money to have my husband and kids meet her. She lived in
Australia—that would take a lot of funds. I wore a kangaroo pin
everyday to remind me of my goal. By that summer I had enough to buy
the plane tickets and had a wonderful month with her. She passed away
two years later.
2006 - With my four children all grown, it was a perfect time for them
to see the Philippines—the country where my husband and I grew up. All
the kids had their busy school and sports activities, so I knew this
was going to be a huge challenge to get them all together for a summer
vacation. I told them early in the year that the goal was to go to the
Philippines that summer. They didn't think it would be possible, yet
they also understood that with the goal set in place, there was a
great possibility they would be packing their bags for the tropics. We
spent the whole month of August traveling throughout my homeland—the
experience was priceless.
I could go on and on about goals and why you should set them. But
basically, it works! Take the time to put one together.
- Write down your goal in a place where you can see it every day.
- Tell people about your goal.
- Set a deadline on when you plan to achieve it.
- Then stay focused, keep a positive mindset, and don't let anything take you off course.
what needs to be done. Like the line in the song "Believe" from the
Polar Express says... "Believe in what you feel inside and give your
dreams the wings to fly. You have everything you need if you just
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
My story for the 2011 KW Cultural Summit
As one of two 2011 Cultural Ambassadors recently selected to represent the Northwest Region in the upcoming Cultural Summit at the Keller Williams convention in Anaheim, I was asked to share an experience on what the Keller Williams culture means to me and how it has made a difference in my life. Here's my story:
I joined the Keller Williams Family in October 2008. I was with a huge franchise company for 15 years prior and when the market shifted, it seemed that there was no guidance or support given to their agents. It seemed that the company was more concerned about their bottom line than how agents were going to survive the change. I heard about the Keller Williams agent training that was open to everyone. I started attending the classes and more than simply learning, I was exposed to the Keller Williams culture.
It was just a matter of time when I realized KW was the place I wanted to be. As soon as I heard that KW's priorities were in line with mine: God, family, then career, it solidified my decision. The biggest benefit I have received as a member of the KW family is finally understanding my life's purpose - my big WHY. Thanks to the patience and support of my team leader, Beth King, I am now living life with a goal.
Let me share an excerpt from a letter I wrote my daughter on February 2010 shortly after returning from my first Family Reunion experience. Eliza, at that time was in Quaxaca, Mexico, working with children and their families. She was only 21 and already a volunteer with Medical Teams International.
"My visit to the convention in New Orleans made my desire to open an orphanage in the Philippines even stronger. Keller Williams is truly a different company that gives so much back to the community. Now I know why they call it a Family Reunion rather than a convention. My vision of an orphanage that children can truly call home is something I want to start working on. My goal is to have it up and running in August 2020. Somehow I feel that your work, Eliza, is paving the way for this. I believe you are God's gift to me. A means and inspiration to pursue my dream."
My trip to Family Reunion in New Orleans was made possible by an anonymous agent who paid my fee. Today, an agent is here because I recognize a good deed must be passed on. I am paying it forward in hopes that this person will also learn and experience what I was given.
Our belief system, the WI4C2TS, is such a guiding light for us all and it sets us apart from others. Culture is when I am given the privilege to share ideas, to teach and to mentor. Culture is when I become committed in what I do, afterall, "What is worth doing is worth doing well".
Publisher, Darren Hardy, states "Success is not only the financial wealth you accumulate, it is also about being a leader, improving your relationships, living healthfully, and making a real difference in the world."
I will be forever grateful that my Keller Williams Family allows me to be all of this.
The KW Belief System: WI4C2TS
Win - win or no deal
Integrity - do the right thing
Customers always comes first
Commitment in all things
Communication - seek first to understand
Creativity - ideas before results
Teamwork - together everyone achieves more
Trust - starts with honesty
Success - results through people
Beginning the New Year with a New Blog
Welcome, Readers! Can you believe I am writing in a blog? For those of you who don’t know exactly what a blog is, don’t worry, I am still learning myself.
A blog is a way for an individual to share their interests and thoughts about different topics in an informal online atmosphere. Often, blogs consist of short daily to weekly entries (or “posts”) and the topics of the posts are up to the blogger (that's me).
This blog consists primarily of topics that I’m interested in, such as the housing market and real estate and it will also be about me and my personal interests and goals. I love to dance and to teach salsa dancing so you can be sure I’ll be writing a lot about that. And, I also dream of opening an orphanage in the Philippines so I’ll be writing about that in future posts as well.
You are more than welcome to leave comments on my blog and contribute to any of the discussions. I hope to gain your readership and keep your interest. Your feedback is always welcome. Thank you and Happy Reading!
Your Friend and Realtor, Elizabeth Ramos
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